Performing Number System Conversions in Google Sheets

September 15th, 2023

The ability to convert between number systems is an often-overlooked feature in spreadsheet applications. Google Sheets simplifies this process with built-in functions catering to various number systems conversions. This guide will introduce you to these functions, each with a specific example.

OCT2HEX: Convert Octal to Hexadecimal

The OCT2HEX function takes an octal (base 8) number and provides its hexadecimal (base 16) equivalent.


Convert the octal number 30:


Result: 18

BIN2DEC: Convert Binary to Decimal

The BIN2DEC function enables you to change a binary (base 2) number to its decimal (base 10) counterpart.


Convert the binary number 1010:


Result: 10

BIN2HEX: Convert Binary to Hexadecimal

Using the BIN2HEX function, a binary number can be converted into its hexadecimal representation.


Convert the binary number 1010:


Result: A

DEC2BIN: Convert Decimal to Binary

The DEC2BIN function transforms a decimal number into a binary value.


Convert the decimal number 15:


Result: 1111

DEC2HEX: Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal

With the DEC2HEX function, you can obtain the hexadecimal representation of a decimal number.


Convert the decimal number 45:


Result: 2D

HEX2BIN: Convert Hexadecimal to Binary

The HEX2BIN function lets you convert a hexadecimal number to its binary equivalent.


Convert the hexadecimal number 'F':


Result: 1111

HEX2DEC: Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

Using the HEX2DEC function, you can translate a hexadecimal number into its decimal format.


Convert the hexadecimal number 'A':


Result: 10


Converting between number systems in Google Sheets is straightforward and efficient. Whether you're a student, a programmer, or someone curious about digital numbering, these functions can be invaluable tools in your data processing tasks.