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The COMPLEX function in Google Sheets creates a complex number based on the given real and imaginary coefficients. This function is useful when working with complex numbers in various engineering and mathematical applications.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: COMPLEX(real_part, imaginary_part, [suffix])


  • real_part: The real coefficient of the complex number.
  • imaginary_part: The imaginary coefficient of the complex number.
  • suffix (optional): [Optional] The suffix used to denote the imaginary unit. The default value is "i".

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Creating a complex number with COMPLEX:
    • Example: =COMPLEX(3, 2)
    • Result: 3 + 2i

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Engineering Applications: Representing electrical impedance or phasor quantities.
  2. Mathematical Modeling: Working with complex numbers in various mathematical equations and calculations.
  3. Physics: Analyzing waveforms or quantum mechanics problems.

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