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The DAVERAGE function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool to return the average of a set of values selected from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query. Whether you're analyzing data in a database or tracking sales figures, the DAVERAGE function simplifies the task. Dive into our comprehensive guide to master its application.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: DAVERAGE(database, field, criteria)


  • database: The range representing the database table.
  • field: The column or field in the database to consider for the average calculation.
  • criteria: The range or criteria in SQL-like query format to restrict the data selection.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using DAVERAGE with a database table-like array:

    • Example: =DAVERAGE(A1:C10, "Column2", "Column1 > 5")
    • Result: Returns the average of values in Column2 where Column1 is greater than 5 in the database range A1:C10.
  2. Using DAVERAGE with a range of cells:

    • Example: If A1:C10 represents a database table and you want to calculate the average of values in Column2 based on a specific criteria, you can use the DAVERAGE function.

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Sales Analysis: Calculate the average sales in a specific region.
  2. Revenue Forecasting: Determine the average revenue based on specific criteria.
  3. Employee Performance: Calculate the average performance rating for a specific department.

Related Functions

  • DSUM: Calculate the sum of values in a database based on specified criteria.
  • DCOUNT: Count the number of cells in a database based on specified criteria.

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