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The GETPIVOTDATA function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool to extract an aggregated value from a pivot table that corresponds to the specified row and column headings. Whether you're analyzing sales data, financial reports, or project data, the GETPIVOTDATA function simplifies the task. Dive into our comprehensive guide to master its application.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: GETPIVOTDATA(value_name, any_pivot_table_cell, [original_column, ...], [pivot_item, ...])


  • value_name: The name of the value you want to retrieve from the pivot table.
  • any_pivot_table_cell: Any cell within the pivot table that contains the desired value.
  • original_column, ...: [Optional] The column headings that define the original data source.
  • pivot_item, ...: [Optional] The items or row labels that define the desired pivot table row.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using GETPIVOTDATA to retrieve a specific value:

    • Example: =GETPIVOTDATA("Sales", A1, "Region", "North", "Product", "Widget")
    • Result: Retrieves the sales value for the "North" region and "Widget" product.
  2. Using GETPIVOTDATA with multiple criteria:

    • Example: =GETPIVOTDATA("Sales", A1, "Region", "North", "Product", {"Widget", "Gadget"})
    • Result: Retrieves the sales values for the "North" region and multiple products.

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Sales Analysis: Extract specific sales data from a complex pivot table.
  2. Financial Reporting: Retrieve aggregated financial figures based on different criteria.
  3. Project Management: Analyze project data by extracting relevant information from pivot tables.

Related Functions

  • SUM: Calculate the sum of a set of numbers or cells.
  • AVERAGE: Calculate the average value of a set of numbers or cells.

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