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The HOUR function in Google Sheets is a useful tool to extract the hour component from a specific time value in numeric format. Whether you're analyzing time-based data, creating schedules, or performing calculations based on time, the HOUR function is essential. Explore our comprehensive guide to understand its syntax and master its application.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: HOUR(time)


  • time: The specific time value from which you want to extract the hour component.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using HOUR with a time value:
    • Example: =HOUR("12:30 PM")
    • Result: 12

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Time-based Analysis: Calculate the hour component of a timestamp in a data set.
  2. Scheduling: Determine the hour of a scheduled event or appointment.
  3. Time-based Calculations: Perform calculations based on the hour component of a time value.

Related Functions

  • MINUTE: Extract the minute component from a specific time value.
  • SECOND: Retrieve the second component from a time value.

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