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The NORMINV function in Google Sheets is a statistical tool used to calculate the inverse normal distribution for a specified value, mean, and standard deviation. By using this function, you can determine the input value required to achieve a desired probability. Learn how to utilize this function effectively with our comprehensive guide.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: NORMINV(x, mean, standard_deviation)


  • x: The desired probability for which you want to find the inverse normal distribution.
  • mean: The arithmetic mean (average) of the normal distribution.
  • standard_deviation: The standard deviation of the normal distribution.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using NORMINV to calculate the inverse normal distribution:
    • Example: =NORMINV(0.5, 10, 2)
    • Result: 10

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Quality Control: Calculate the tolerance limit based on the desired probability.
  2. Risk Analysis: Determine the value at which the probability of an event exceeds a certain threshold.
  3. Financial Modeling: Estimate stock prices based on historical returns and volatility.

Related Functions

  • NORMDIST: Calculate the probability density function for a given normal distribution.
  • NORM.S.INV: Similar to NORMINV, but uses a standard normal distribution.

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